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Spectre's Rant of Undetermined Intervals

I've been slacking off for a while... I know i really need to get working on the site again. Right when i'm about to start on it again, my computer with all the sketches and templates crashes and needs a hard drive wipe to work again. That was a good excuse... three months ago when it happened. But let it be known that the thought process is starting for the next comic... hopefully that means that i'm going to get off my lazy butt and start cleaning up new sketches or old ones from the site.
  To emphisize my attempt to get back on track, i'm putting up a counter of how many comics i am behind. Fortunatly for me, i am counting lazy art days and those holiday pictures. Anyway, here's the current tally.
Works Done              
27 RSB             
15 Sub-series
1 Lazy Art Day
6 Holiday
TOTAL                      Comics that SHOULD be done            Comics Behind
48 Comics                 82                                                     34