Phantastic Commander

Captain Matthias Shkar's Comms Room
Captain Dallium's Tales
Commander Stayra's Library
Major Gloin's Beastary
Lieutenant Dan's Armory and Barracks
Mountain Axe

"Bury the hatchet" - Old Dwarven saying

The family axe of dwarves. This axe was named thus due to the first dwarven king cleaving a mountain in two with a single stroke. The designs on the side are old runes. The more runes, the older the axe, as when a dwarf recieves it, he puts one new one on. With each rune, a new property is given to it, depending on the dwarves personality. Quick tempered dwarves typically get a fire enchantment. Slow take-your-time types get earth. Hermit dwarves get an icy enchantment. Radical and sperratic ones put lightning into the axe.