Phantastic Commander

Captain Matthias Shkar's Comms Room
Captain Dallium's Tales
Commander Stayra's Library
Major Gloin's Beastary
Lieutenant Dan's Armory and Barracks
Scythe of Death

"Hey! Where's my Scythe!" - Death one morning after waking up

Death's Scythe was stolen from him and Demon technology researchers frivously worked to unlock its powers. They all turned up dead, but according to leftover notes, it seems they almost had it when Death caught up with them, less than pleased over the theft. Working with the notes, they had managed to create a Scythe that instantly kills one out of six swings. The prototype was stolen by an Ice Demon, who became imprisioned but the Scythe wasnt found until months later when a Balrog turned up with it on the Bismark. He would have faced the trial by torment when he got back to Firebrand I but never returned. The current owner of the Scythe is unkown.
Attack Bonuses:
3d8+2 Axe Damage
(roll 1d6. On a 6, target dies instantly)
1300 gp