Phantastic Commander

Captain Matthias Shkar's Comms Room
Captain Dallium's Tales
Commander Stayra's Library
Major Gloin's Beastary
Lieutenant Dan's Armory and Barracks
Big Cannon

"Hand over the cannon or Stayra's gonna die!" - Gl'apthor


An enormous cannon made by Necrotek, the four pylons powered up, sparked lasers to the middle and a vastly powerful blast came forth from it. This monstrous weapon was intended for the starship Bismark. With the Big Cannon, the Bismark was to fire on Camton, eradicating all life on the planet. The plot was foiled by a squad of marines, who boarded the ship and took over the craft, renaming it to the Nair Force One. The cannon was later given in exchange for Stayra's life and mounted on another Cthulhu class starship and was later destroyed during a space battle in orbit of New Draven. No new Big Cannons have been manufactured as of yet.