Phantastic Commander

Captain Matthias Shkar's Comms Room
Captain Dallium's Tales
Commander Stayra's Library
Major Gloin's Beastary
Lieutenant Dan's Armory and Barracks
Intelligence Abilities

"The mind is where true power lies" Stardax

Mechanics: Max 4: Level 1: Fix non complex machinery, like a fan or clock. Level 2: fix mildly complex machinery, like guns and four wheelers. Level 3: Fix complex machinery, like cars and biplanes. Level 4: Fix extremly complesx machinery, like starships and laser weapons
Build: Max 4: Level 1: Easily construct kits and make arrows from random branches. Level 2: can make a pen gun. Level 3: make engine given the proper parts. Level 4: McGyver.
Pathfinding: max 3: Whenever the GM points out that you're lost, roll a d6. If  the result is 7 minus your pathfinding skill or greater, you find your way back to the place you started at.

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