Phantastic Commander

Captain Matthias Shkar's Comms Room
Captain Dallium's Tales
Commander Stayra's Library
Major Gloin's Beastary
Lieutenant Dan's Armory and Barracks
Project Phoenix

"I like you. I'll give you five seconds to get out of my presence." - Project Phoenix


The result of genetically combining the DNA of a shkar and a seraphim. She is the third in her line, the first two being deemed failures after they were found to be uncontrollable. Roughly a day before scheduled termination, she tore off the ceiling of her cell and flew out, only to cast a spell back inside, destroying most of the building. She proceeded to massacre everyone inside the walls of the city, leaving only 3 survivors, Captain Mathias Shkar, Lab Technition Actian Goth, and the Quartermaster Bastian, sparing them only because they managed to escape the city. Her current wherabouts are unknown